Ruby Rabbit!!

I was created by "Mostly Animals" a rubber stamp company in America. Jill bought me when she went on her rubber stamping holiday in the U.S. in the mid 90's. She has not used me until now as she has joined an Alphabet ATC swap and has the letter "R" to do. So this is all about me! Ruby Rabbit!!

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Twelve Months have passed and.....

Jill has even grown some veggies for this spoilt animal. Read on......
She even likes Jill's soft pillow that she left on the chair!
Is she that dumb to not even know that beside her is a "stuffed" toy rabbit?

Lies around like the Queen of the verandah, note the back legs are not relaxed, she is ready to take off after one of the cats!

That damn rabbit is still here! Can you believe it????? Jill did advertise it on a bunny website, but the people who said they wanted him just did not fit the right criteria for having a stupid white deaf bunny!! Hey it is just a bunny............ why on earth would someone not be suitable??? I ask you... I think Jill is getting a bit too picky in finding this furball a home. He takes up so much of her time and I just get left behind. Actually Jill has no idea where I am at the moment!!!! Probably stuck in some drawer, crushed by papers and in the dark and the cold... in the Palace where she has not been into for some time. She has been very neglectful of her crafts for months now. She needs a good kick up the Butt.... and stop doing nothing... Can you believe it... she has started walking..... yep how silly is that and how silly are the dogs. Jill walks around and around and around the car park at the back of her place, three times and the stupid dogs follow her, sniffing about each time. What a waste of energy. AND......... she is doing of all things BELLY DANCING!!!!!!! hmpf hmpf lol..... LOL LOL... it must be hilarious, I will have to try and find my way out of the Palace to go see what silly things she does. Imagine trying to dance with her belly!!! It would shake around like a massive blob of over set jelly!!! hoooo haaaar, I am getting a bit hysterical here, it is just too funny and ugly for words. oh oh my tum hurts from laughing too much. OH OH NO, I have just hurt my back from rolling on the floor.......... help me .......... please..... come on Jill you have got to help me, I won't laugh at you any more, honestly I won't.... I promise.. (sneer) I won't really I won't...... chuckle......
Well it must be doing her some good as she is continuing on for another term. She says the exercises before and after are amazing and helping her with her aches and pains.
I reckon I would have aches and pains after all that exercise anyway!

She is eating differently too and seems to be losing a bit of weight and feeling a lot better mentally too!! Yeah she is real MENTAL...........

Can you believe it??? Jill has some friends!!!! FRIENDS, not just one but a few..... When her mum decided she was not going to England at the end of the year with Jill looking after her, a couple here must have felt sorry for her missing out on a holiday, mind you it would have been a very stressful holiday for her looking after her Mum... (she will be 89 at the end of this month). anyway they asked Jill if she would like to go to Hong Kong with them!! It is Clare's birthday and she decided she would like to go on a holiday for her birthday!!! So to cut a long story short she is off to Hong Kong with Clare and Peter on the 11th August! Hey maybe I can go too, I had better give Jill some hints as to where I am so she can find me and let me ride in her suitcase. At least she will not be able to take that white furry thing.
Oh yes speaking of white furry thing .. where was I? hmmmm oh yes trying to find him a home..... well in the end the place he was going to was not really the perfect spot that Jill had hoped for him, but she did not want to be drawn into his furry charm. On the day they were to take him down to Melbourne, he decided to give them a real chase to catch him! boy does he run fast, mind you he was only in the cats area, but did not want to be caught, because I whispered into his ear ... good bye and good riddance!!! wish I hadn't now as he is still here! YEP.. still here.....
Gerard said to Jill after they caught him. Maybe we won't take him down this time, after all he is not too much trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TROUBLE !! TROUBLE!!!!!! oh no.....

SO THEY WENT TO MELBOURNE THAT DAY WITHOUT HIM. I wanted to rip him apart, how dare he steal Gerard's heart, Jill was all ready to let him go...
Now 18months on we still have the "little darling" . Oh and guess what???? HE is a SHE!! of all things it is a girl all this time... No wonder the fur was getting more and more around his/her neck...
They took him/her to the vet to be de=sexed and the vet said it was a girl not a boy! Well maybe just maybe, I will not be so harsh on her from now on.

They took her to the vet three weeks ago and had her de=sexed and after a bit of touch and go, she survived the operation and is terrorising the cats and does not leave Millie the little dog alone, just wants to be groomed all the time! SO.............................................. I cannot believe I am going to tell you this......... While Jill is in Melbourne next week she is going to her daughter Kate's pet shop where she works and is having a look at some baby bunnies so Bunz can have a ..... wait for it!!!! a "HUSBUN".... Oh my goodness, lol lol a husbun....... have you ever heard of anything so silly? who knows what will happen. She could just get out and play with the Hare in the bush opposite our place if she wants company and what good is a husbun when you are de=sexed anyway?
Oh yes I forgot it is for the company as they say bunnies are a companion animal to each other and should have a friend. Looks like I will have to find myself a "ROGER RABBIT", so then all of the animals in this house hold are in pairs! 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 rabbits, 2 hoomins. All the more reason to go on holiday to find myself a friend. Yep that is what I will do, I will stow away in Jill's suitcase and keep an eye out for a "bunny daddy" to spend lavish gifts on me and look after me when I am old and cannot get around. Maybe we could have a huge yacht to sail around the lakes here and watch the dolphins swimming by. They have been around quite a bit lately and Jill gets all excited at seeing them swim by. Even though they are about 100yards from the waters edge she can spot them from the house through the windows. How lucky is she, well she thinks she is!!
Making the decision of having the verandah enclosed around the back of the house was the best solution, not only is it like an extra room, the winter sun, when it is out is just beautiful. This morning Jill did not want to get out of her chair, it was warmer on the verandah than inside the house. Makes her feel lazy though. Oh that reminds me, it is probably time to open the cat area door and let BUNZ out for her daily run. She is the worlds most spoilt bunny rabbit. Really she is. Things will have to change once I get out of this "Tin shed" and I will show her who is the boss. The only thing is I am a bit intimidated by her as she likes to eat paper and cardboard! MAYBE I WILL HAVE TO BE NICE TO HER.......
o.k. gotta go and help Jill get her stuff ready to go to Melbourne tomorrow, she is so lazy and disorganised getting stuff done here....
bye for now...
Ruby xxx

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Yer Yer I know I know!!!

Yer Yer I know I know it has been way too long. Just gotta get Jill back in line!!! She has been such a bother lately and I just cannot get her mind moving and thinking about me. She says she has such a lot to do, AHEM... EXCUSE ... EXCUSE ME. WHO DOES SHE THINK I AM??? huh... not important enough to be mentioned once in a while. I have still got stories to tell??? Don't you think anyone is interested in MOI!!!!! I am the most important rabbit in the world. Not that real thing you "rescued" on Christmas Day 2007. What sort of a rabbit is he?? HUH.. he cannot even hear you talking to him... I am sorry but I do not feel at all sorry for him after all he is just a rabbit that eats, poops and pees all the time. ME??? on the other hand I do not poop or pee or need food or bedding, any attention as we can see as I have not been allowed to get on this thing and tell you that i am not happy with her!!

Hopefully they will have found this thing a home and I might get a look in then. Oh yes the cats then can come in the house once again as that stupid white, soft as silk "supposedly" intelligent, warm, cuddly, poor innocent little thing will have another home and the cat door can then be unlocked as "he" Bunz knows how to get through the door just by pushing his nose into it and voila he is inside the house. Yeah well he is sorta cute I suppose in his own way. Doesn't bother me, but I have noticed he lets Milly the little dog here groom his face and ears! Well I suppose if you are deaf, you can only hope the dog gets all the wax out of his ears and maybe he can hear again!! Gosh what a shock it would be for a bun not being able to hear to suddenly get the whole world of sounds coming at you, it would be scary for the poor little man. Maybe I should be there to help him get adjusted to life in his new home? Oh maybe not, then Jill will not have anything to do in her life then coz I would not be here for her to write about me!!!

Well looks like Jill has woken up a bit now and is going to have her shower and get dressed! Hmm wonder what it would be like to have a shower?? I don't think I have ever had one. I suppose because I am made of card, I would probably not be around for long. Might have to go have a sleep while Jill is away and see what problems it might cause if I had a shower or went for a swim!

better go then
"Ruby" xxx

(aren't I such a kind caring little fellow?)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


It is just so unfair!! I have been locked in the Purple Palace for the past two and a half weeks with no visitors at all. Jill has not been in to do anything and I know for sure there is someone home, cos I heard cars in the driveway and voices. I am just so angry!!! I have just found out that Jill and Gerard have gone away on a holiday to Queensland and have not taken me. How could they do this to me, I am such an important part of Jill’s life and she has just snuck off with out me, no asking me if it is ok for her to go and especially without me. How dare she!! And to add insult to injury she has taken that stupid brown stuffed furry toy she calls a rabbit. Huh rabbit SMABBIT!!, it is just a stuffed toy, no character to it all and is a dirty dark brown colour, not at all attractive, not like me! Does not speak, no personality, just sits there like a stunned mullet on the dashboard of her car. At least I have character, personality, charm, can express my opinion and move about and change the colour of my fur and appearance! O.K. I need Jill to help me do it all but hey I think she owes me an explanation and a big holiday when she gets back. Here I am such an important part of her stamping with her swaps and making such good decisions on what she should do with her work and this is the gratitude I get? Just wait til that flea bitten mutt gets back, I’ll soon show it it’s place, firstly by getting it down off the dash board and out of the car, that just won’t do having it there, sliding around when the car turns corners, I’ve seen it do it and Jill makes all goo gar noises to it like it was REAL…. I am REAL not that fuzz ball! I’ll definitely give it what’s for… I’ll lock it in the Palace and let it see what it is like being shut away and forgotten for ages with no one to talk to or play with or have dress up’s with, or just hanging around doing the usual girl thing!! It will soon learn it’s place when I get hold of it! Jill reckons it is “cute” aargh, it is ugly.. It has long thin nylon strands sticking out from its face, supposed to be whiskers, they look so silly sticking out on the sides of it’s face. Jill likes tickling them and pulling them gently, huh, she should rip them out of it’s face! Then she gets hold of its ears and strokes them all over it’s eyes and face and calls it a cutesy wootsy widdle wabbit! It is just so sick!! It is a toy for goodness sake, has no feelings, no brain, no thought waves, no nothing and she is treating it like a real bunny rabbit. How pathetic! She even has Gerard talking to it although I believe it annoys him when it starts to slide all over the dashboard when he goes around corners and falls off onto his feet. “Just leave it there he says! “ But time after time Jill picks it up and puts it back on the dash board to let it happen again! Even Nesta has sat there in the car giving it a cuddle, she feels sorry for it sitting on the dash in the blazing hot sun. GOOD I say! The heat might destroy the stuffing out of it! When Jill gets home I am not going to help her any more to teach her a lesson, I know she has a lot of stamping work to do when she gets back as she did not get ahead with her ATC swaps for her groups etc. before she left. She probably expects me to have them finished for her by the time she gets back! Well let me tell you she has got another think coming if that is what she expects cos I have not done anything except throw tantrums and make a mess in her so called precious Purple Palace. I just don’t know what is so special about this place, there have been ants crawling around over everything and me too! Some daddy long legs are starting to encroach on my space and I know they and the ants will get right up Jill’s nose, goody!!! She gets so frustrated with trying to get rid of them especially the ants just keep on coming in, she has used ant rid which they just love and sprayed outside with pesticide all around the outside, the cooler weather has deterred them a bit now so I might get some good relief. I know she hates those big huntsman spiders too and so do I. I have not seen any in here otherwise I will have bashed the door down to get outta here. That brown thing has such a smug look on its face every time the car pulls up in the drive. I hope it got sunstroke while away in that heat. In some ways I am glad I did not go otherwise if anyone saw me sitting in the car left alone, with the windows up and the doors locked, someone might have called the fire brigade and the police and broken the car windows to get me out! To save my life, Jill knows she should not leave animals in the car at any time, what is she thinking of, I could die, my insides would get all hot and my system would shut down and that would be it., Gone, kerpoot, finished, never to write another story again, be out of her hair, not pestering her, aw gee she might like that life without me, not nagging her all the time telling her what to do, umm maybe I had better not be too awful and mean to that silly brown piece of carpet and welcome them both home! Do I really have to??? I just don’t think they deserve that sort of welcome home though, they have been so mean to me why do I have to be nice to them? they probably have not given me a single thought while away having a good time, while I have been stuck here in this place all this time, all alone and forgotten. I know I will pretend to be nice and wait for the right time to strike and get my revenge, yep that is what I will do, hmm I wonder what I can do to teach them a lesson. I think I will have a sleep on it for a while seeing that is when I think best and come up with some good things to get back at them. Just had a good thought though… I could set a mouse trap and push its face into it and get those so called whiskers all bent and then Jill would have to cut them off and then it would look real silly. A toy rabbit with no whiskers!! Ha ha ha. I am rolling on the floor laughing my ___ off!!! That would be so funny, no whiskers, hooo har har har har, oh golly my stomach aches and tears are running down my face. How am I going to get to sleep now??

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Not sure what is happening here!!!!!

It has simply been months since I told you I was going to be in another swap, actually I have been in two swaps and Jill has not written a thing in here, I don't know why I bother with her sometimes, she is so unreliable!!!

At the moment while I sit in the spare bedroom typing away, Jill looks as if she has done a round of tennis!! Nup hang on a tic, if you know Jill, she cannot even run to save her life... chuckle chuckle. I will tell you a secret but you must not tell anyone. O.K?

Weeeell while Machele and my buddy Tamyka were here over Christmas, they consumed a humungous amount of chocolate, I had not better tell you how many FAMILY blocks of Cadbury's they shared, oh with Tamyka and of course Gerard too, but I bet Jill ate the most, not to mention Kate and Matt gave Jill some of those divine breath in....... hmmmm sniff sniff oh yes yes! the licorice sticks covered in chocolate, not just a few but a whole big container of them and I reckon she ate 80percent of them!!! What a guts, she did not even offer me not one little piece and I just adore chocolate, I could have eaten the crumbs of chocolate if there were any :(
but no sir reeeee. and what is more Jill found this absolutely faaaantastic recipe for glazed nuts. Ooooh just so moreish. the smell drove me crazy. She made up some batches for Christmas pressies and them made up some more while here with the girls, well Machele and Jill finished the first lot pretty quick smart and then Jill made some more and I won't tell you how much she did make 'cos I will not be allowed in the house any more!! But let me tell you this!!!! Gerard and I did not see any of them!! Not to mention the other boxes of ................ and ............... and ...........
That is it I am not telling you any more, I have told you too much already, quick where is that band aid???????

So where was I? Tennis?? oh yes, she is so unfit and sooo heavy - snigger... that she is sweating so much, her hair is dripping and all she has done is simply pick up some bits and pieces, clean up the bathroom and hey lets face it it is not that hard a job now is it???? Scrubbing the toilet on all fours, hey that is easy for me I get around on all fours anyway! Cleaning the shower, hey easy, I can jump to the top of the glass screen and then slide down with my fur to wash it and rinse it off! The recess? well I can use my big clumsy feet and practice skating in there that will clean it! I could then have a bath in the basin after I have used my fluffy tail to clean the mirror and tiles. Hey this sounds like fun! easy peasy.... Then vacuuming up all the hair and stuff, well I could use my nose to blow it all away, washing the floor is another thing, hmmm I could use ............ let me think here........ oh I know I could use my ears, they are long enough to make a good mop! See there it is all done! just like that!! Oh I had better be careful or Jill will make me do it all and I am not really that much of a domestic rabbit. Hey hang on I do use the litter tray and I don't eat the electrical cords any more, mainly 'cos they are covered up and I don't chew on that expensive pure wool dressing gown anymore that was hanging in the wardrobe. Do you know sometimes I would sneak into the wardrobe when no one was looking if the door was left open and boy what fun. So many long fabrics just hanging there waiting for me to rub my face and ears on and to have a nibble now and again, 'cos sometimes it is just fun to eat other stuff for a change. One time when no one was looking I found Kate's bedroom door had not been shut properly and with a little bit of brute force I managed to get it open and hop on her bed. Oooh it is sooo soft and such lovely bits of fabric were on it! Oh yes there were jeans, little tops, tshirts, undies etc and what a great time I had. I nibbled holes in some of her gorgeous new tops just where everyone could see them, her jeans too tasted just great and did I mention zips??? well they are the greatest for when you have a nagging tooth to grind your teeth on especially the plastic ones 'cos when you chew them they coil up and cannot be done up again!!! It was so much fun, I had such a great time in there, hey I was a good girl I did not pee on the bed!! I learnt not to do that after many scoldings. Or eat any of her cords lying around. But it is so nice and soft on the bed, I wanted to have a snooze but thought better of it as I had been in there long enough and did not want to get caught, luckily Kate was at school then and where Jill was? oh probably sleeping on the couch or playing silly games on the computer as usual!!! So out I went back the way I came through the now open slightly door, omg how am I going to pull it shut??? Hey what the heck now that I have had such a busy day I will wander off and have a sleep and by the time Kate gets home, hey I will be no where to be seen. Oh I hope I did not leave any pressies on the bed?? Now did I??? No no no of course not!

So you should have been a fly on the wall when Kate got home, boy was I in such huge huge huge trouble. I was locked out of her room totally for ages, she would not give me any nose rubs or play with me for ages. I tried to snuggle up to her but she pushed me away. Boy what it is like to feel like a poor dejected bunny turned away and put in the corner and locked out her room, it was the pits!

She got over it pretty quickly, well I thought she did, did not see her wearing any of the clothes that I had so carefully added my artistic touch to, don't know why not, I thought they were just the best designs I had done for a long time. A lot easier getting to them on the bed than stretching up in the wardrobe to reach those clothes that are a bit too high.

Well it looks like Jill has had enough rest and is on to round 2 of her house cleaning! Oh yes we have visitors this arvo!!! and rellies staying for a week, that is why she is going mad in the house. Well while Jill is away Gerard does not clean up the way Jill likes so she has to do it all! and I bet she will be a grumpy old thing as she will be in a lot of pain after this lot!!

Oh well not for me to worry about I think I will go and see where the cats are and give them a bit of a hard time. Yep that will be some fun.

gotta go now. see ya!!!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Almost here!!

I can hardly wait, we are almost done with my next adventure.

I can tell you this bit only.

I am going to be a Rubyfly!!

see you very soon.

luv Ruby xxx
oh all right I had better
and luv Jill too..

Thursday, July 06, 2006

ooohhhhh I can hardly wait!!!

Hey there I am just soo excited, I am going to have another adventure coming up very soon!!

Jill has just joined another swap and I know she will just HAVE to let me go in it!!!

I can't wait... yippeee..... woo hooo. I am jumping for joy!! Hey did you get that??? oh oh oh I am jumping for joy!! Gee aren't I just so clever!!!

luv Ruby!!! hmmmm I will have to think about this one.... zzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Let me introduce myself!!!

Lots of us all together ready to go!!

This is me "Ruby Rabbit"! I am finally a completed ATC (Artist's Trading Card) for the StampHappy Alphabet Swap hosted by Frances Byrne in "sunny" Queensland.

If you have time to sit down and have a cuppa or two or maybe three you can read about me and how this Blog came about!!! Please feel free to leave any comments for Jill. Thank you Narelle and Frances for making me happen. Oh and of course thank you Jill for believing in me!!! lol.

O.K. so we are all cut out now and ready for the trimmings.
A close up of us cut out.
My tattoo!!
Ashley keeping an eye on what is happening!
Here we are all chalked up and drying from the hair spray, sheesh it stinks!!
A closer look at us smelling Pretty!!
The Red Roses waiting to be cut out!
Waiting now for me to arrive!

June 2006

Hello there my name is Ruby, well it wasn't Ruby in the beginning I was known as 605-S7 Sidetracked - Large! I am an image on a rubber stamp. A rather "naked" rabbit and rather embarrassed by this.

Jill has now owned me for many years and I have sat unused amongst thousands of other stamps in her collection until now. Why did she buy me? I really don't know - as you can see by my picture, I am not the most attractive rabbit you have seen. I have a long neck and rather large eyes and my ears are so big also, I do appear to look rather clumsy. I must have appealed to her as she bought me before she knew how adorable us rabbits can be!!

I was "named" Ruby yesterday afternoon by Narelle Cox , a friend of Jill's while they were stamping at their monthly stamping group in Bairnsdale. Jill and Narelle have both joined an alphabet ATC swap on the group Stamp Happy and Jill had been given the letter "R" to do.

Hmmmmm what could she do with the letter rrrrrrrr??? She thought about this for a while and decided a rabbit would be good!!! Oh yes she does have a few rabbit stamps, mind you not as many as her dragonfly stamps!!!!!.... then she thought about a rose maybe and something red, perhaps some red ribbon... While thinking along this path Jill decided I would be the rabbit stamp she would use. Woo hoo!! ME!!!!!! Oh WOW!!! at long last I will be no longer sitting idle in the drawer, I will be a "used" stamp!!!!! and have some delicious ink on my new rubber... what a yummy feeling that will be.... oh boy I cannot wait..... I wonder what she will do with me?

Well now that she has "found" me amongst all of her other stamps she has gone and left me sitting on the table getting covered up by papers and stuff for how long I don't know, there is another stamp rubbing shoulders with me, but I don't know who or what it is, oh my goodness is it another bunny???? has she chosen someone else??? Is she undecided and has forgotten me????? I will have to stop worrying and getting too excited just in case she puts me back in the drawer again. Oh please pick me!!!!!

I needn't have worried cause the other stamp is a little rose!!! how is that then??? I wonder what she is going to do with that tiny little prickly rose??? OH NO!!!! maybe she is going to use it instead of me!!!!!! What am I going to do? Oh my goodness I am starting to panic and get all upset as I do so much want to have some ink on me now that I have got my hopes up!!

It is really such a small rose even for an ATC Jill would have to stamp it so many times to fill the card and then she would have to colour it in and it would take her ages to do, imagine 27 cards with such a tiny rose on it??? Nah surely not!! she would have to put something else with it wouldn't she??? She would have to at least add ME!!! O.k. she could colour the rose RED I suppose that would be a Rose and it would be RED on her ATC starting with the letter "R" . Hmmm I wonder what else she could do with her ATC then? Hey she could have me on the card holding the Red Rose maybe! or I could be jumping over the Red Rose, or I could be looking at the Red Rose I suppose..................

HHmmmmm It looks like Jill has got some Red Ribbon on the table with me and the Rose stamp! it is a very narrow ribbon, I wonder what she will do with it, it would be terribly hard to tie a bow around the Rose stem and tie it into a bow! Maybe she will just tie a bow and glue it onto the Rose.........

Oooh how exciting Jill is putting some black ink onto my rubber, how divine... Oh no it is the Stazon ink that will leave me stained!!!!!! at least it has a lovely smell just like almond icing oh yum Christmas Cake!! Uh oh here I go, OOOMMPPFFFFFF!! Oh wow what a terrific image I make... Oh gee am I not just adorable????? Not sure about the feet though... mmmmmmmm that feels good, BUT be careful with those scissors Jill you are getting a bit close to my skin. OUCH!! HEY you just cut off my whiskers!!!! I will lose my sense of feel and direction now.. booo! hoooo!.... oh but that does feel a lot better not having all that extra card around me.

Hey that tickles!! What are you doing to me now Jill????? "giggle" you are tickling me still... Oh I now have some colour on me, that is what she has done, she has given me some colour on my fur, wow I do look good even if I say so myself. Lol.. O.k. so now I am brown and grey. Not the most attractive colour. I would have liked it if Jill had coloured me my favourite colour. Can you imagine a PURPLE Rabbitt????? UNREAL....... or give me PURPLE streaks or something, and a pierced ear or nose, ooooch that would hurt too much maybe just the ear will do... Oh now that is a thought I could get a tattoo as well maybe something like????? ummm a dragonfly maybe??? on my BUTT!!!!!! Now that would be an interesting look, a rabbit with purple streaks of fur with a pierced ear and a tattoo on her butt.. Hey this sounds like fun..

Oops "cough, splutter, almost choking" what is Jill doing to me??? I cannot breath, something is hurting my lovely long neck, I cannot breath, oh help me it is hurting I am going to DIE??????

Jill and Narelle have been talking to each other about what they are going to do on their ATC's and Narelle suggested Jill does a RED card with a RABBIT with a RED ROSE in it's mouth and a RED RIBBON around it's neck!!!!! and would you believe it??? that is what Jill is going to do to me!!!!! So that explains this choking feeling. Oh my goodness I hope she does not tie it too tight.......

Well Jill has packed some stuff in a bag and we are off to the car, where are we going? That roll of RED RIBBON is in here with me and also that ROSE stamp.. Some RED pens and some RED card I can see along with other bits and pieces, glue, scissors eeekkk!! scissors, oh no not my whiskers again...

Here we go oh boy we are off to Bairnsdale to the stamping group, wonder what we will play with today????

This is just so much fun, Jill keeps adding more of that black ink to my rubber and stamping me onto some white card!! Oh boy 30 times I have been stamped, look out world here I come... and that Rose has been stamped a lot too.

O.K. what on earth is Jill doing now??? ooooh that tickles what are you doing to me??? NOOOOOO I said PURPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT brown and grey!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmmm that is good though what is that stuff?? CHALK???????? so now I am going to get ASTHMA!!!!! with all that dust over me????? phew you sure know how to make a girl feel good... I said I wanted PURPLE!!!!!! Don't you hear too well Jill????

Ho Hum it looks like I am gonna be brown and grey!!!! hey maybe I could have a purple tail and - and a purple earring in my ear and - and - and - and a purple tattoo and - and - and - and a purple ribbon around my neck and and um..... no??? no purple? oh that is not fair.. RED!! RED!! you have gotta be kidding, I don't do RED! RED!!! RED!!! hey it is just not me!!! I am a purple girl not RED! Jill HELLOOOO you are not listening to me?? I cannot go out in RED....... I wouldn't be seen dead in RED. They have purple roses don't they? Easy then it will be purple... YAY!!!!!!!

OH NO I have just had a look at the Roses, nuh!! they can't be no there has to be some mistake, hang on let me get a closer look at this. RRRRREDDDDD!!!!!!! NNOOOOOO!!!!!!

She has you know, Jill has coloured those roses RED. Maybe she is doing another project with red roses. Yep that is what it will be another project. Of course that is what it is. Phew!!! that was a bit of a worry you got me going there for a while Jill. Deep breaths CALM is all you need and just relax everything will work out fine now..

Hey! What is happening now???

RUBIES??? Did I hear right?? RUBIES??? they are RED!!!!! OIY that is a RED RUBY you have just put in my ear lady! Take it off and I mean NOW!!!!! come on take it OFF!!, I don't want a red ruby in my ear. HEY I SAID PURPLE NOT RED RUBIES!!!! Aww come on Jill this is not what we discussed, it is supposed to be purple, Jiiiiiiiillllllyyyyyyy come on you are not playing fair........

UHH what is that you said? RED BACK??? that is a SPIDER...... oh S..T where is it, quick kill it, get it away from me, oooohhh help me where is it, panic, I don't like spiders........ hang on! she say RED back?? RED... RED... what is going on here red backs are spiders with a red stripe on their backs, you don't have purple spiders, so why is she talking RED backs???

Something is not right here. Hey pinch me am I dreaming??? Maybe this is a nightmare I am having...

Oooohhh that is nice, not too close now with those scissors please, yes that is good... aaaaahhhhhhh.... oh just around those ears yes that is good. Hey look at that there are 27 of me all cut out now, how clever am I then?

S-t-r-e-t-c-h- my neck that little bit more.. what is Jill doing now?? Oh that is o.k she is cutting out some roses. ROSES!!! not those red ones?????

Ah well I had better go and have a bit of a snooze and dream of my purple... yes just lovely p...u..r...p...l.e zzzzzzzzzzzzz

sniff sniff, sniff sniff eeeyyyyuuuuuu what is that smell??? Oh my goodness what are you doing to me now Jill??? That smell is awful, yuk I feel all sticky, what are you doing?? Oooh get away from me, I am getting wet, stop it!! what is that stuff you are spraying all over me??? Oh no it is setting! I can't move!! my fur is going stiff!! What did you say it was??? HAIRSPRAY???????? Why would you spray me with smelly hairspray?????? You know I don't like smells!!! They give me a headache... TO SET THE CHALK??? What chalk would that be??? Oooh the chalk that you smothered me with and caused my inhaling to go funny??? I don't believe it I am now smothered in hairspray feeling as stiff as a piece of card board just to set the chalk???? So it won't smudge and rub off?? On your fingers Jill??? Oh you poor thing.. don't want to get your fingers dirty??? Well it has made my tummy go a horrid colour.... it is a pinky orange!!!! Now you have upset me!! What are you going to do about that muck up then??? Nothing.... oh o.k. then maybe you can add some other colour like purple to make me feel better?

O.K. so how are things going with this ATC? Have you progressed much yet with my gorgeous purple accessories? Hey I was thinking I would look cute with a purple feather boa around my neck and some purple earrings and how about some purple fishnet stockings?? Hey I would look fantastic!! la la la la.....

OH MY GOODNESS!! I have just noticed some card sitting next to me here, s t r e t c h what on earth are they??

They are RED cards the size of ATC's!!

WHAT!!!!!! a RAINBOW!!!

A RED letter R!!


and OMG is that???? that there in the corner???? a a a REDBACK!!!!!!! aaarrrgggghhhh
get me outta here!!!!

So what is with all of this stuff on that card???? they all sound like they have something in common, just can't get it at the moment. It is not purple like I just know I am having, so I wonder what this card is for? Jill must have something else happening by the looks of things. Surely it is not for me!!! How could it be? It is RED!!!

Jill knows I don't like RED and I certainly would not be caught with prissy RIC RAC and a RAINBOW!!! what on earth does she think I am and that REDBACK surely not!

Well it looks like it is time for another sleep. sigh it has been exhausting for me today, sitting here wondering what is going on. Jill has been doing all sorts of things as well as burning the dinner tonight on the stove top... lol!!! she was so preoccupied with cutting out tiny red roses that she forgot....... hang on a sec..... did I say tiny RED ROSES????? Oh no the nightmare is coming back to me.... yes there are some RED ROSES sitting here on the table next to me... What are they for???

Jill...... oh Jeeeeellll where are you?? Jilly??? come on speak to me pleease, pretty please tell me what is going on, I need to know... aaww come on I won't tell anyone else!

Nup she is not going to tell me what she is up to, there is a pile of stuff on the table, looks like she is doing all sorts of things here, must have a lot of those "swap" things on the go!

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

YAWN............... STRETCH................. SIGH...........

Well what a good sleep I had, I had a wonderful dream... I was floating on lovely soft purple clouds, soaking up some lovely warm sun, sipping on some fizzy beverage. Aaaah this is the life!!! Just relaxing zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz uh hang on what was that???? Oh did you see some photos at the top of this Blog???? Hmmm I wonder what they are seeing I am all the way down the bottom of this Blog, looks like I will have to muster up the energy and have a peek at what has been happening overnight!!!! Oh hey why the hurry I will have a look later on, why disturb myself at the moment I am having such a lovely time here floating on these pretty clouds so why waste the moment? I bet it is that lovely purple ATC Jill is preparing for my debut!!!! She has to have it off to Frances by the end of the month at least she has plenty of time to get it done!!


Jeepers Jill how long does it take you to cut out a few rabbits and some roses???? You should be finished by now, another day has passed and I am still waiting!!!!! My foot is thumping...... so you had better hurry up or I will keep you awake all night once again and give you another headache tonight as well!!!!

Ho Hum waiting..............waiting................ waiting............... sheesh you take your time as if you have other things to do, I should be the priority here!!!

Well looks like the day has gone once again so I will have to try and have another snooze and see what is happening later on. The suspense is driving me mad...

Oh I think I heard Jill's brain ticking over with some other plans for me in the not too distance future, I wonder what they could be, the trouble is I am impatient...

Gee that hairspray still stinks on me!!! It is affecting my sinus's real bad.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yaawn!!!!! Oh my what a lovely sleep I have had, I had the most wonderful dream.... while floating on my fluffy soft purple clouds!!!!

Jill is going to let me have my way and dress me up in purples, a gorgeous purple feather boa, dangly earrings, ........... oh that means I will have to have both my ears pierced!!!! ummmm I don't know about that, maybe I could have stick ons!!!! instead, I am not sure what else the dream has gone a bit fuzzy for me now, amazing how you forget your dream when you are wide awake..

Am I seeing double?????? blink blink blink!!!!!! NO!!! not double let me count.... one two three hmmm six seven hmmm fifteen sixteen ummm oh no there are too many for me to count, I am now getting confused, there are so many of them on the floor here, goodness!!! how many did you say Jill?????

THIRTY!!!!!!!! WHAT???? THIRTY of ME????????? You mean to say you have got on that floor thirty of MOI???? oh Jill how could you???

Oh well I suppose I am just such an adorable rabbit you cannot get enough of me??? Golly how are your hands doing? bet they were aching after that mammoth task, especially when I heard you saying that you left your good scissors in the Purple Palace and not going outside for them again. Oh there is that luscious word again "PURPLE" when are we going to that lovely place to have some fun? Later today??? oh great I cannot wait to get all dressed up!!!

Guess what Jill discovered while cutting out thirty of me??? I already have a tattoo!!! Yep I really have.. I don't believe it, I never knew it was there, mind you I have not inspected myself so closely as Jill has so I guess that is why I have not seen it. Jill has posted some pictures above and a close up of my right foot!!! Can you see it??? It is a circle with a "C" inside and the letters KH next to the circle. Hmmm I wonder what that means???? Am I not really Ruby Rabbit??? was I adopted????? or was I taken prisoner and that was my prison ID?? Or was I taken by aliens and tattooed by them??? I really don't know what it means after all I am a rabbit and I don't know what all these hoomins do and think all the time... sheesh I can't be beeutiful and brainy and just so intelligent all the time/ Hang on I can!!! I am a female and we can do all of this all at once!!!

O.k. I know what it is yes honestly I do, pity it was not a dragonfly or something pretty but it is compulsory so I will accept it and not have it removed, but I will also get a dragonfly later on I know I will, Jill just have to find one small enough to stamp onto my Butt!!!

So this tattoo is a copyright!!! KH is the artist who created me on paper!!!!! Hey so easy!!!! Golly after looking at my foot, I think Jill really needs to run a darker pen around my edges as she has not cut me out too good and that will hide the white bits then. O.k. I know I am being a bit particular, but if Jill wants to use me she has to make me look good!!!!

Well it looks like we are off to the Purple Palace now so we will be back soon with some more pictures of me..

Can you believe this??? Jill is still working on me??? How long does it take to do an ATC????? She has been on this project for more than a week!!!!

Well of all the indignatories if that is a word!! Well I am a rabbit so I can make up words if I want to. Jill has just stuffed me and the other Rabbits into a zip lock bag along with a whole heap of little Red Roses!!!!! still not cut out and I have checked they are RED!!!!! We were then put into of all things a little RED BOX!!!! along with some RED glitter glue, some RED ribbon actually tow lots of RED ribbon, some RED brads and the RED ATC backings along with the RAINBOW, RED BACK, RIC RAC, RED "R" all stuck on the RED card!!!

So we are off to Melbourne today all stuffed in this little RED box. Jill has a busy week down there and hopefully she will have me finished by Sunday night as she is going to her annual "NUT NIGHT"!!! yep you heard me right! they go to the Little Bits shop from 7pm Sunday night to 7am Monday morning and stamp!!! ARE THEY NUTS OR WHAT??? then sleep all day Monday and feel jet lagged all week!!! lol.. what nutters!!!!

Oh well as long as she has me finished that is all that matters, who knows they might even give me some RED lipstick!!!

Jill is running around like a "blue sarse fly" now as she has not been organised enough to get on the road early this morning so the panic is setting in!! well she does not have to be in Melbourne at any particular time which is good but she likes to set off usually in the mornings. Probably have to put up with heaps of loud music. At least she has almost lost her voice so she cannot sing out so loud, oh my goodness she will be screeching then, where are the ear muffs???

So until next week then I will have a piccy of me complete for you to see how I went with my fight for purple!!!

talk soon

luv Ruby!!!

Well I almost suffocated!!!!! Jill has had me stuffed in that plastic bag for days now as she was not well enough to go to the all nighter and finish me!!! The poor dear!!!!! I won't be too nasty or she might be awful to me!!! Well at long last I have been taken out of the plastic bag when Jill had some energy and was not lounging around in bed all day!! Boy has she had a lot of sleep this week. Anyway I have had all sorts of things done to me!!

Jill has been tickling me all over with a dark grey pen rubbing my edges so that the white does not show where she has cut me out!! Must admit I do look a lot better. Then she almost strangled all of us by tying some red YES RED!!!! narrow ribbon around my neck into a bow! Then she finished cutting out all of the tiny RED roses, hhhmmm I know RED!!! la la la la...... and ran the pen around them too!! Stuck the roses through the Zyron, thank goodness she did not put me through it!!!! then forced my mouth open, I was not going to open my mouth easily for her to stick that red rose in my mouth!!! glued us onto the card with the rainbow, redback, letter R and the ric rac. Just when I thought she was done with humiliating me surrounding me with all of this red stuff she stuck a red earring in my ear!!!

All I can say is that I suppose I do look a little bit cute!! with all of this happening to me!! at least there is a bit of purple in the rainbow!!!

So what else is there to do now??? but type up the backing sheet and I am done and off to Francis to send me off to the other 26 participants in this swap all over Australia meet some interesting letters of the alphabet!!! Hhmmmm I know I can have a cup of coffee with the letter "C"!!!!! lol..... thanks to my friend Narelle who named me RUBY!!!

Well of all the indignities, Jill has gone and put me and my friends into a box!!! I thought it was bad enough being in that horrid plastic bag for weeks!!! She stuck the backing sheet of paper on with some real smelly glue, thought I was going to have an asthma attack, but after a while, I felt pretty good!!! Must be what it is like to sniff glue!! On a bit of a high, mind you I have never sniffed glue ever in my life before this, so I don't really know.Mind you Jill did line the box with some tissue paper before "gently" placing us into the box! I might add that she placed us face down though, so now I cannot see anything. Is this what it is like to be placed into a coffin???? "foomf! "she has just put some more stuff on top of us!!! Yikes what was that noise??? Sticky tape??? What on earth? doesn't she want us to get out of here.

Oh my goodness we are going to suffocate, we are being put into a plastic bag! Jill don't you know it is dangerous to play with plastic bags??? You don't put anything in a plastic bag unless you want it to suffocate!!!!


Stop panicing Ruby, take three deep breaths and count slowly to ten!!

Whew that feels a bit better, maybe get a bit of sleep now at least it is nice and cozy in here!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz hey stop snoring!!! zzzzzzzz

Yawn... I am opening my eyes, but cannot see oh no I have gone blind, I can't see!! Oh hang on... get a grip here Ruby, remember you are in a box! waiting to be posted! Oh yes now I remember, I have been asleep and only dreaming that I have been taken to the post office by Jill and handed over the counter to someone smiling at the box and then flinging me into a sack! waiting... waiting... thud thud thud, I am in a truck! being tossed out with other parcels, put through machines, and in a truck again and now I am on a plane, goodness my ears are popping! hang on if I hold my nose and blow that will help them to clear!! or if I have a lolly to suck on it might help.. where did you say I am going? up to sunny QLD!!! wow!! - oh no it is raining - hope that parcel doesn't get soggy or we will get wet!!! thought it was warm and sunny in Queensland? oh oh what is this? On a motor bike! zipping along the footpath stopping every few seconds while the postie puts things in letter boxes I am feeling a bit motion sickness! - finally!!! I have been picked up and shoved in a letter box - hey watch out!!!!!! Waiting waiting waiting for Frances to pick me up and take me out of the parcel. Hmmm is this nightmare finally over or is this really happening to me?

Pinch pinch!! hey I am awake, I am not dreaming, whew! it is getting rather warm in here, I feel as if we are in the sun maybe? Might have to have a snooze again until Frances gets us out of this letter box! Be patient Ruby sleeep sleeep zz zzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz................................

Hi there, Jill here I have just got a reply from Frances regarding Ruby's arrival!

Hi Jill,

Yes Ruby made it safely yesterday morning. Ruby seems quiet happy so far and is waiting patiently for the remaining atc's to arrive.


So go to the top again now and have a look at me completed... What do you think???? Purple next time???? YEAH!!!!!!

If you have read this Blog you had better leave a comment with some suggestions as to what my next adventure could be... Don't forget I really do like purple!!!!

I wonder what Jill has got in store for me now?????



Poor Ruby Rabbit, she has been frightened by a Red back as she was Running past the Rainbow, she tripped over the Ric Rac and hurt her lip from a thorn from the Red Rose she had in her mouth, the Red Ribbon around her neck was Rubbing her fur and irritated the Ruby Rhinestone she had just had pierced in her ear as the Red letter "R" was falling on top of her!!